The floral designers at Allen’s Flowers have produced caring flower arrangements to honor National Diabetes and Lung Cancer Awareness month

Allen's Flowers The National Diabetes and Lung Cancer Awareness Month is observed this November.Ā  If you may know someone with one of these ailments, they would most likely cherish and benefit from a caring gesture of encouragement and love. Sending lovely and thoughtful flowers from Allen's Flowers is a perfect way to show that you care and to acknowledge the importance of this awareness month. Diabetes is an ongoing and rapidly growing public health issue. Multiple people deal with the illness every day. However, with proper management of diabetes, those suffering with diabetes are able to avoid major complications later by making healthy life style choices and or changes.Ā  Early screening by doctors is a good start as often diabetes is a gradual illness that develops over time and early detection of symptoms can allow for adjustments in eating, exercise and other lifestyle activities. There are also many sources of information to increase awareness and management of the illness. The American Diabetes Association is one such educational resource. Lung Cancer is another major public health issue. This disease causes more deaths each year than many of the other known major illnesses combined. No surprise that some studies show that 90% plus of lung cancer illnesses could be avoided by not smoking. Back in 1995, there was a day designated as Lung Cancer Awareness Day and this has morphed into Lung Cancer Awareness Month. During November there is special interest from people in the US and the world to focus on a wide variety of social media, fund raising and other awareness activities. The industry best of the best floral designers at Allen's FlowersĀ are passionate about producing flower arrangements and bouquets to honor special occasions and to bring joy into people's lives. [...]