Best Plants for Indoor Decorating

With National Indoor Plant Week coming up during the third week of September, we wanted to do our part to spread awareness of the value of indoor plants and what they offer in terms of decor and health benefits. Our San Diego flower shops and website also offer a wide range of green and blooming plants that are ideal for decorating and enjoying purified air.

Here is a list of some of the green plants that are ideal for enhancing the decor of your San Diego home:

Fiddle-Leaf Fig Tree (Ficus Lyrata)

This green plant is actually considered to be a shrub. It has a long stem with branches that have broad, leathery leaves. For Although it needs as much sun as possible, it is low-maintenance and adds a dramatic look to any room.

Split-Leaf Philodendron (Monstera Deliciosa)

This green plant stands out because it has a distinctive leaf that has many split leaves and a bright green display.

Kentia Palm (Howea Forsteriana)

The fronds of this palm plant reach tall heights and spread out broadly. It should be given plenty of space in your home to shine with medium to bright light.

Amazon Lily (Eucharis Amazonica)

This indoor plant offers dark green leaves along with contrasting large, white flowers that bloom in the winter and early spring. Even when it is not blooming, it is a stunning plant. It only needs indirect light and water once a week.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria Trifasciata)

This unique indoor plant has sword-shaped leaves  that provide quite an effect for your home or office decor. It is one of the easiest plants to take care of because it requires minimal watering and attention.  

African Spear Plant (Sansevieria Cylindrica)

This is a sculptured indoor plant that adds visual interest to any room. The leaves look almost like skyscrapers.  It is the perfect plant for a modern home.


Succulents are ideal as indoor decor because they come in so many sizes, shapes, and colors that they blend well with all styles and are easy to care for throughout the year. Our San Diego flower shops have a wide range of succulents and succulent gardens displayed in various container styles.

Order Today!

Whether it is to celebrate National Indoor Plant Week for yourself or for someone else, order your ZZ plant, pothos, kalanchoe, and any other indoor plant today! Visit or call our San Diego flower shops or order through our website for local pickup and contactless delivery throughout San Diego.

2021-09-18T19:56:08+00:00September 18th, 2021|Categories: Plants|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Best Plants for Indoor Decorating

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